Posture refers to a specific intensity in which one is wide awake at the same time not having to interact with any unexpected or random things in the environment.
During posture, the intensity of the cell is low. This means that the rate at which is draws on its’ batteries is low, which also means the flow of nutrition into the cell can be low. That is why the mouth is barely open on the picture.
The first event is that a posture intensity is obtained. That means you are basically relaxed at the same time you are holding your body up and your breathing is in the belly and slow. The cells are very efficient and use oxygen to fully digest the sugar and debris. The cleaning of the debris that builds up at high intensity is why posture training is synonymous with the recovery element of training.

The release of carbon dioxide which is specific to an oxygen burn amplifies the draw of oxygen into the cells. This is known as the Bohr Effect. Because during posture your nutrition delivery system is not stimulated extra (the show heart rate being an example. The lower blood sugar draw from the liver being another), the actual volume of nutrition in the blood is strained. The most important part is the draw of oxygen from the blood. The response to posture training is an increase in the capacity of those same parts of the oxygen system that don’t rely on higher heart rates. In other words, if you train yourself to have energy without having to be excited, you get better at having energy without having to be excited.