Hours: Having the three most competent aids (based primarily on exercise knowledge, manual skills, problem solving abilities, and administration abilities) is the primary goal when determining hours. I also will give any new person at least three months of training and ideally they would be the fourth aid. Having two inexperienced aids at once does not work which is why I have eliminated some of the shifts, which will also allow me to pay the aids more as their skills develop.
Answer Phone: The runner should have the blue phone and answer all calls. Whenever we text or call a patient it should always be from the blue 0555 number phone.
Scheduling (probably most important job): Always get new patients in within a few days especially if they are requesting it. WC patients within a week, even if you have to move a priority 1 or 2. Prioritize 5 or above blue boxes only: Never schedule a 1 or 2 without asking me. Be sure to let people if we are behind. Be sure to keep a list of anyone waiting to get in and fill if cancellation (keep list at ‘to do list’ ‘to schedule’ , and if cancellation fill spot if not overbooked (based on priority of patient), normally don’t add patient at end of day unless you ask me. Since we are currently overstaffed we can schedule 4 across the whole day from 8:15 to the last patient starting at around 5:15. (all blank appts for the next month ahead) Look ahead to make sure we don’t have people on the schedule who shouldn’t be there, or if there are any openings be sure to fill them. Also look ahead to next day to make sure no one is on schedule that should”t be and all new workmans comp patients have confirmed. (can call them or text them to be sure).
Responds to all texts and voicemails. : Delete them if we don’t need them anymore.
Emails. delete junk/political emails. If Jeff has to deal with it, put in Jeff active. All faxes with patient referrals have to be saved in the iCloud under their first name/last name assuming they are scheduled already. If they need to be scheduled, call them. Once they have been dealt with, you can delete the email. If they are a workmans comp email that you scheduled, reply to the email and inform WC of the date and time you scheduled them, then move the email to the WC email folder.
Anytime a patient is alone (privacy) can get update on them, and if they can be treated in anyway (shortwave, laser, ultrasound, exercise), get them started in the open area if no room is available.
See To do list (available on computer and iPad).
Clean anything (just no vacuum since it is loud), control the temperature, control the music, , get food/coffee, laundry US gel, empty trash, new trash bag, does laser when needed.
Do the paperwork on Jeff’s patients
Collect payments: use Goldie for credit cards unless don’t have tap to pay. If pay in cash, check, or square be sure to record it on the Goldie app as cash or alternate)
M1: medicare of equivalent (65 or older) exercise
S1: Standard insurance exercise (strengthening, stretching)
MT: Manual therapy, oscillations muscle stretching (medicare or standard insurance)
Whenever we are fully staffed, after treating patient you should be able to complete all the paperwork, write your name in the notes on the goldie app, and put ‘check’ on add services. If you had someone check (sadie nicole (be sure you know about KX modifiers) or jeff), can put entered. If a workmans comp patient, it has to be faxed before it can say entered. Also, for every patient you should check to make sure insurance is paying (BC see availity), and their insurance info is entered). If something needs to be looked up, put on to do list for the runner to check) The goal is for every patent not be entered by the end of the day, and you only have to worry about yours during the time you were working.
Ultrasound videos:
Psoas tendon