
Hours: Having the three most competent aids (based primarily on exercise knowledge, manual skills, problem solving abilities, and administration abilities) is the primary goal when determining hours. I also will give any new person at least three months of training and ideally they would be the fourth aid. Having two inexperienced aids at once does not work which is why I have eliminated some of the shifts, which will also allow me to pay the aids more as their skills develop.



M1: medicare of equivalent (65 or older) exercise

S1: Standard insurance exercise (strengthening, stretching)

MT: Manual therapy, oscillations muscle stretching (medicare or standard insurance)

M5: Functional exercise (balance, steps, etc) medicare

S5: Standard insurance functional ex


Whenever we are fully staffed, after treating patient you should be able to complete all the paperwork, write your name in the notes on the goldie app, and put ‘check’ on add services. If you had someone check (sadie nicole (be sure you know about KX modifiers) or jeff), can put entered. If a workmans comp patient, it has to be faxed before it can say entered. Also, for every patient you should check to make sure insurance is paying (BC see availity), and their insurance info is entered). If something needs to be looked up, put on to do list for the runner to check) The goal is for every patent not be entered by the end of the day, and you only have to worry about yours during the time you were working. Ultrasound videos: Psoas tendon

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