
Within the pipe contains the two types of nutrition. The red dots represent the oxygen system and the green dots represent the sugar system. Whenever you are getting ready to do something with power, you drive extra sugar into the pipe which your cell(s) will consume when you do the thing like running up a hill.
up a hill. With practice, the heart, for example, gets better at pumping the sugar immediately in the form of the muscle being thicker. During this time you would be most aware of any potential danger, etc in the environment, including things live pathogens, and deal with them powerfully as well.
By Endurance we mean the oxygen system of the whole body is strained. The ideal example is distance running, in which the a more mild activity is prolonged. In this scenario, the endurance running muscles consume oxygen, and after a slight delay, oxygen is drawn into the cells. The body adjusts to this type of training in the form of the pipe becoming larger, with more capacity to hold and digest and transport oxygen

and its associated nutrients. Due to the repetitive nature of endurance, the serotonin system is activated which blocks out fear and pain at the same time the brain is alert. During this time you are able to connect a lot of dots between the different ideas you’ve been thinking about.
Anytime you are alert enough to be awake, but not alert enough to have to do anything precise or powerful or multitask, we would call that intensity Posture. The posture system draws upon the oxygen system, but not enough to increase the heart rate. This is critical because it enables you to function without a stimulant, which is the same quality of physiology necessary for sleep. In this situation, because there is nothing in the environment, except gravity, that you have to deal with, your mind starts to process memories, which are sort of like a list of things that have to be dealt with in order of importance from the most urgent or short-term to more long term.
In terms of the pipe, Posture means to be awake enough to draw upon the oxygen system but without stimulating the heart to pump faster.
Distance running is the best example of the next intensity which is Endurance. Running draws upon the oxygen system maximally without drawing upon the sugar system. Once they intensity goes above a certain threshold it becomes Power which uses the sugar system. the degree to