
Within the pipe contains the two types of nutrition. The red dots represent the oxygen system and the green dots represent the sugar system. Whenever you are getting ready to do something with power, you drive extra sugar into the pipe which your cell(s) will consume when you do the thing like running up a hill.

up a hill. With practice, the heart, for example, gets better at pumping the sugar immediately in the form of the muscle being thicker. During this time you would be most aware of any potential danger, etc in the environment, including things live pathogens, and deal with them powerfully as well.

By Endurance we mean the oxygen system of the whole body is strained. The ideal example is distance running, in which the a more mild activity is prolonged. In this scenario, the endurance running muscles consume oxygen, and after a slight delay, oxygen is drawn into the cells. The body adjusts to this type of training in the form of the pipe becoming larger, with more capacity to hold and digest and transport oxygen

and its associated nutrients. Due to the repetitive nature of endurance, the serotonin system is activated which blocks out fear and pain at the same time the brain is alert. During this time you are able to connect a lot of dots between the different ideas you’ve been thinking about.

Anytime you are alert enough to be awake, but not alert enough to have to do anything precise or powerful or multitask, we would call that intensity Posture. The posture system draws upon the oxygen system, but not enough to increase the heart rate. This is critical because it enables you to function without a stimulant, which is the same quality of physiology necessary for sleep. In this situation, because there is nothing in the environment, except gravity, that you have to deal with, your mind starts to process memories, which are sort of like a list of things that have to be dealt with in order of importance from the most urgent or short-term to more long term.

In terms of the pipe, Posture means to be awake enough to draw upon the oxygen system but without stimulating the heart to pump faster.

Distance running is the best example of the next intensity which is Endurance. Running draws upon the oxygen system maximally without drawing upon the sugar system. Once they intensity goes above a certain threshold it becomes Power which uses the sugar system. the degree to

The easiest way to see the necessity of these different intensities is with a couple examples. Anytime you are in a routine, it means you are functioning on autopilot, which is another word for posture. This state cannot be permanent for many reasons. Either you stop paying attention and almost get in an accident, or the fact that your work takes hardly any concentration prompts you to look around and at some point you notice something out of pattern. Every example of how these intensities work start with something unexpected happening.

During training, one engages in a certain activity, which draws fuel from the pipe. This results in that particular nutrient running at a deficit, and the body responds by learning to better provide that nutrient. For example, with physical exercise, sugar and/or oxygen are drawn from the pipe, and in the following days the body responds by improving in its ability to deliver that nutrient. For example, the lungs might expand, or the muscle cells might store more sugar. The word we use for the body adapting in the form of a greater capacity is conditioning.

There are two ways to increase capacity. One is simply to increase activity as described above. The second way is to decrease the concentration of a particular fuel in the pipe. Suppose your used to a certain activity level, but on one day you eat much less than what you are used to eating. Your cells are eating the food dripping from the pipe, but after a while the pipe gets low on food. One thing that might happen is that some of the build-up in the digestive system, etc, will be stimulated to be broken down.

During training, nutrition is always in deficit. Conditioning is simply the process of increasing capacity due to training. Recovery is simply the process of slowing down so that the body can delegate resources to, for example, make more red blood cells which carry oxygen, or make more enzymes to help eat sugar faster, etc.

If the fasting is prolonged, it is likely that, even though at first it would actually stimulate digestion, eventually the cells themselves might start to slow down and become less active, and the capacity would then decrease. Whenever the body adjusts to your behavior in the form of a diminished capacity we just call it deconditioning.

The simplest example of deconditioning would be giving too much fuel to the pipe. What would happen is all this sugar or oxygen or any nutrient would not be wanted by the actual cell which is what actually does all the eating. The cell might be forced to put up a wall, not letting the sugar in, which is called diabetes. The body would also have to protect against too much oxygen in the from of scarred blood vessels. One example that comes to mind was a lawsuit at our local hospital I think 30 years ago due to the oxygen being turned up too high and some babies became blind due to damage of the blood vessels around the eye.

The capacity of the pipe and parts that feed the pipe have to be calibrated relative to each other. If way to much food is delivered to the pipe, there has to be a way to divert the excess. Diabetes is one example. The food can just be diverted to fat storage. There are a number of forms, and we simply cause all these form deconditioning.

Each of these processes by which the body adapts to provide the correct metabolism for your actual life involve genes. For reasons that should be obvious, each of these processes have be labeled diseases, and a great deal of money has been spent trying to find the location of these instructions in order to fix them. In other words, one could say all diseases are genetic, but at the same time not a single one of them have been shown to be flaws in the design. Instead, we would argue that they are attributes of the design. If a genetic cure was discovered for diabetes or heart disease, the customer would die younger due to a decreased ability to adapt. This will all become more and more clear as we go.

Let’s go back to the pipe and imagine for a second a pipe an extremely high sugar concentration and a very low oxygen concentration. In this case the person would be very intense and powerful, which is not sustainable indefinietly. This powerful system creates massive volume of debris which would build up. Think of lifting weights continuously. In another example, imagine a pipe with hardly any sugar compared to oxygen. What would happen is that as soon as this person has to walk up a hill. the sudden demand on energy would not be met. The oxygen system takes time to get warmed up. This could actually dangerously strain the system. That is why the sugar system is needed, as an emergency when getting to a hill.


Whenever some unexpected event happens, we automatically switch into power gear. This means that we are extra perceptive because we don’t know what is coming. At the same time we are extra strong to immediately defend what comes. This state of mind is trained during sports. It is like putting yourself into an adventure that is controlled. You get all the benefits without it being dangerous. However, when actual misfortune or trauma strikes, it could be that we are not able to fend it off, and we are inundated with troubling information at the same time we are inundated metabolically with partially burned carbs which are actually toxins if not processed.

As long as the actual event is going on, the vigilant/power state continues. It is not until you switch over to a ‘catch up’ state that the information is processed. Think of getting a big shipment of clothes and dishes coming in the mail. You have to spend time putting then away which is the same thing as processing.

At some point an event will overwhelm you, which is the same way of saying that so much stuff came in that your kitchen didn’t really have a place to put it. It’s not just that you have to put things away, but you have to actually update your kitchen. Processing is how growth happens, and it can only happen by rotating through the different processing environments, which include posture (focus), endurance, and sleep. The biggest mistake people make is constantly being distracted by holding onto something different to avoid processing, which is the literal definition of entertainment.

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