The basic dilemma of dealing with obnoxious information like an injury has to do with knowing what to ignore and what not to ignore. Some people are better at ignoring to a fault, while the sensitive person is not good at ignoring things like noxious (pain) information which should be called nociception instead of pain.
The degrees to which one can focus is the same degree to which they can ignore things, although this system is short lived. Strength training is strongly related to your ability to focus in that it enables you to block out larger things (as opposed to mental focus which requires you to block out smaller things also). The degree to which someone had endurance, which we party define by your ability to do an intense activity for a longer period of time, the best example of which would have to be distance running, is the same degree to which they are able to ignore pain for longer periods of time. The degree to which someone is strong is the same degree to which they