As we move towards a more excited state digestion is postponed because the excited state requires a higher concentration of sugar to be used by the brain. When the levels drop in the liver or even blood, a sort of panic sets in to avoid the the worse case scenario which is a brain functioning at high resolution or multitasking at the same time there in not enough sugar to feed it.
There is nothing wrong with a brain that can multitask and function at high resolution, but when a person shifts into that gear with ease but does not shift out of that gear with ease, there is an inevitable dysregulation of all systems. The same emergency sort of panic for sugar happens as the immune system panics, as does the digestive system which shuts off in a panic in favor of getting food from the liver as mentioned above.
The opposing intensity to being excited is posture, which means that the brain is not doing anything difficult while the whole system is sort of idling using oxygen as the fuel source. This is the only gear of the 4 daytime gears in which digestion is stimulated. You end up with a steady stream of sugar being burned slowly and avoid the extremes and can train yourself easily.